Friday, 15 January 2016

Count down

Happy weekend everyone,

I hope your week has been good so far !

I am still ill, holding onto my bed quite tightly. I tried to take some sick days this week to recover properly but, unfortunately, such thing is unheard of in Vietnam. The week has been such a roller coaster, I've been quite unhappy with work lately and it has definitely taken a toll on my personal life. But now I have some good news, and I hope that they will be able to help me power through!

I skyped my mum for her birthday on Wednesday and she just knows the best way to cheer me up. I was busy telling her that I cannot hang in here any more as I feel like I am on a verge of a breakdown, and she told me that she is hoping to fly to Vietnam for my birthday. Not only that but that she would fly me back to South Africa after that ! I haven't been back to Africa in over five years and have been waiting for the opportunity to go back ever since I left. So there we were, in the middle of the night, and booked a dream journey; first we will see some Vietnam, then we are going to travel through southern China all the way up to Hong Kong. We will spend a few days in Hong Kong and then fly to the Mahe Island near Somalia. I am hoping to see some pirate ships ! From there we will continue towards Cape Town. Two to three weeks in Cape Town doing all the things I couldn't last time and seeing some of my favorite people. This all is followed by a few relaxing days in Zanzibar, Tanzania.

Trip planning is definitely the best way to cheer me up. To keep me going I started the count down days in my calendar; 55 work days to go after TET holiday. I can do this ! It's not that there is something wrong with teaching, it is just exhausting and I am struggling with the corrupted, money-orientated system quite a bit. It seems that the work will suck all the juices out of you before anyone is satisfied. I'm sure, I will feel better once I am actually healthy again ! And, of course, now I have plenty to look forward to.

I must say, I haven't always valued the EU passport enough, or just the fact that I am from Europe, but truly, it is a privilege. Obviously, my mum is spoiling me rotten right now ! She is such an angel. And she will be awesome to travel with.

Last night was my friend's birthday, and we said good byes to a big colleague group whose contract ended. Today will be a dancing night out to celebrate ! Powering through it with some tea. I am actually really excited for my first night club night in Hai Phong, we mostly go to bars or have house parties. Should be good !

55 and counting,


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