Saturday, 3 October 2015

Every storm is the worst


My first individual working day completed ! The centre lessons are an hour an a half long which definitely is a lot for the children. I was quite happy with my own performance, I wasn't really given any materials but I truly enjoyed the class and it felt like the kids did too.

When the class was over I went outside only to realise that it was pouring down with rain. My driver was 20 mins late so by that point the whole storm was on us. I hopped on the bike and I was soaked from the first minute. It didn't take long for the rain to completely blind sight me, it was splashing on my eyes so strong that it was just impossible to keep them open. It is a crazy feeling to hold onto a stranger speeding down the road with my eyes closed. Half way through I had to ask him if he was even able to see anything. I was almost surprised when we finally made it home. One heck of a ride. I am quite sure that I have bruises on my face tomorrow.

Moving on, by this point I have eaten more than two kilos of passion fruits. They are so yummy and cheap around here, just over a euro a kilo. Unfortunately, I have not yet done proper market shopping because of the western prices but hopefully I will be able to do that soon, too.
Two more classes tomorrow and then onto my first full time week !

Best wishes,


Ps. We were suppose to have a pool party tonight but I believe everyone has seen enough water for one day

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